The Advantages of Spring Time Maintenance! - Lancaster Brothers-电子游戏娱乐网页
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The Advantages of Spring Time Maintenance!

Posted on April 13, 2020 by admin

The best time to schedule A/C Maintenance is early or pre-spring. Any damage or stress caused by the dreadful Midwest winter can be treated or reversed with some proper care.

A/C maintenance includes a professional walk-through and cleaning by a trained technician. We highly recommend scheduling a tune-up with your trusty HVAC company as soon as possible!

Why schedule HVAC service in the spring?

The warm weather causes a major need for reliable air-conditioning. Late spring and summer are the peak times for blasting the A/C. It’s the busiest time of the year for HVAC Repair specialists too. Anything that can go wrong with an overused air conditioning unit usually does.

By scheduling a tune-up before we reach high temperatures in Kansas City, you’re guaranteed a convenient appointment time, and a sense of relief heading into the summer. You’ll know your unit is ready to perform reliably through the summer and any necessary post-winter repairs can be dealt with at a convenient time!

Don’t wait until your AC system breaks down on a hot humid day!

Benefits of Springtime A/C Maintenance

1. Reduce Energy Bills

A tune-up keeps your unit up-to-date and your bills under control. The smoother your unit is functioning, the more reliable the unit will be and it’ll be operating cost efficiently. The more build-up and neglect in your unit means more money and repairs.

Also, proper maintenance is proven to reduce your heating and cooling bill by up to 20%!

2. Avoid Another Repair

Maintenance by trained professionals is guaranteed to lessen the need for costly repairs. When maintenance is scheduled and followed through, we are able to save HVAC units from more frequent issues and wallets from unnecessary losses. Those extra repairs are almost always more expensive than any preventative tune-up would have been.

Tune-ups and maintenance are meant to catch any problems before they become extensive and expensive. We catch any issue early and at its origin, ensuring that small issue won’t become big emergency later.

3. Extend the Life & Efficiency of Your Unit

A bi-annual maintenance could increase the lifespan of your HVAC unit by 30-50%! An average unit has a lifespan of about 15 years. With cost-effective maintenance plans, you’re looking at least an additional 5 years. On the other hand, if you neglect professional maintenance for years on end, you could experience a major repair or breakdown before the unit hits its 10th year.

Maintenance not only extends the lifespan of your system, but it also makes it more efficient. Routine maintenance tune-ups can improve your system’s efficiency by up to 25%!

Here at Lancaster Brothers, we recommend Lennox Systems for their quality and efficiency. We make taking care of your Air Conditioning needs as easy as possible. Schedule tune-ups or service over the phone or by email for your convenience. If you would like to take advantage of all of the benefits, become a member of the club! Request a Service online or call us today at (913) 648-9442!

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